Hope Network Mental Health Services

2830 Corunna Road, Flint MI 48503
Website: www.hopenetwork.org/behavioralhealth
At Hope Network, we are dedicated to providing uniquely coordinated behavioral health services, across a spectrum of diagnoses and treatments, all across Michigan. With over 1,000 healthcare professionals, we are dedicated to providing the highest level of integrated care for people with mental illness and developmental disabilities. Hope Network also provides an array of services for children and adolescents including but not limited to autism, case management/supports coordination, prevention, residential, and outpatient therapy. Services are tailored to meeting the particular needs and preferences of the child or adolescent and are provided in a setting that is relevant and comfortable. Call 855-922-2282 for further information or to schedule an appointment.

Locator Map & Directions

Hope Network Mental Health Services
1110 Eldon Baker Drive, Flint MI 48503
Call 810-213-1803 for further information or to schedule an appointment.

Locator Map & Directions

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